Raven Coin: The Darkness within Glitters Gold

Timothy Kelly
2 min readMar 13, 2023
aPhoto by Mark Timberlake on Unsplash

Once upon a midnight dreary, As I pondered the stability of our financial system, weak and weary, My mind did slip to a quaint and curious blockchain lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, Suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my parent’s basement door.

“‘Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at the basement door — Only this and nothing more.”

But lo! What coin yonder did its resistance breaks ’Tis Raven Coin, with its dark and mysterious takes, A digital asset unique and rare, A bird of power beyond compare.

Its blockchain poise, black as night, With nodes that guide it to the light, A coin born of millionaire’s dreams, A digital token that sparkles and gleams.

With every block it gains in worth, A treasure trove of value that knows no dearth, As the Raven calls out, “Nevermore,” Its value rises, takes flight, to soar.

Oh, Raven Coin, how you entrance me, With your promises of wealth and glory, A revolution that defies the norm, A digital asset that takes on a new form.

And so I hail you, Raven Coin, A digital asset that shall never be alone, For in the blockchain’s endless lore, You are the Raven, forevermore!



Timothy Kelly

Striving to make my way in this new world. If life is a journey, it will be much more tolerable with good company...